Today on Morning Joe, founding chair of Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE), Susan Axelrod and her husband David Alexrod discuss current research and fundraising for the disease as well as their daughter Lauren, who has had idiopathic epilepsy throughout her life. Morning Joe's Mike Barnicle and his wife, Anne Finucane are also avid supporters of the cause as their daughter, Julia, also has epilepsy. Mike and Anne will serve as co-chairs, alongside the Axelrods, in the upcoming CURE benefit to be held at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston on November 13. http://www.cureepilepsy.org/boston2014

Today on Morning Joe, founding chair of Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy (CURE)

Mike and Mika speak with Raymond Burse, President of Kentucky State University, about his choice to take a pay cut in order to pay KSU employees a higher hourly wage:

Mike and Mika speak with Raymond Burse

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss Ebola and its current impact on the US. Mike asks, "What do you think is the more prevalent feeling? This massive disconnect...or the confusion that people feel?"

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss Ebola

"There has got to be some balance here," said Mike On Morning Joe today in reference to the growing dissatisfaction with current Ebola preventative procedures and methods in response to the controversy over a New Jersey nurse who was forced into quarantine against her will.

"There has got to be some balance here," said Mike

Mike comments on the current unrest across the US as midterm elections draws near: "The anger mixed with the anxiety, in this country today, is palpable." Only on Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike comments on the current unrest across the US

"It's the ultimate Orwellian nightmare that Americans might have about the government," says Mike about an article in The New York Times that sheds light on Internal Revenue Service practices that allow the seizing of bank accounts based only on suspicion, with no crime necessarily committed. Today on Morning Joe.

"It's the ultimate Orwellian nightmare" says Mike

Today on Morning Joe, Mika and Mike discuss with PBS Medical Correspondent Dr. Emily Senay what mistakes may have been made by the medical community and what might change in terms of national protocol and preventative measures as a result of the Ebola crisis.

Today on Morning Joe, Mika and Mike

Mike praises author and renowned Boston Globe sports reporter Bob Ryan on his book "Scribe: My Life in Sports." In response Ryan says, "The games are the core of everything." This morning on MSNBC.

Mike praises author and renowned Boston Globe sports reporter Bob Ryan

On Morning Joe today: Mike responds to a discussion about polls measuring candidates' popularity in the race for the 2016 caucus, "These polls... ranking candidate strengths...are meaningless. People are worried about Ebola, they're worried about a war in the Middle East...."

Mike responds to a discussion about polls

Morning Joe's Mike and Michael Steele talk with Nicholas Confessore, writer of the New York Times op-ed "A Sudden Cash Advantage For Tillis and Gardner," about funding in senate races and what it means in terms of who will be elected:

Morning Joe's Mike and Michael Steele talk with Nicholas Confessore

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss recent news that various companies such as Apple and Facebook will now cover the costs of female employees who want to freeze their eggs in order to continue their careers and have families later, "It is...a game changer in terms of career paths for women...." on MSNBC.

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss recent news

The Morning Joe team with Sports Illustrated Executive Editor Jon Wertheim talk about young athletes who are struggling with homelessness and financial instability. Wertheim cites Kevin Durant's inspiring 2013 MVP acceptance speech as what inspired him to take a deeper look into this issue.

The Morning Joe team with Sports Illustrated Executive Editor Jon Wertheim

Breaking News: Mike, the Morning Joe team, and correspondent Chris Jansing talk about the growing fear of the global health epidemic that is Ebola amid recent news of another American infected. Mike says, "They are playing catchup. This is so new, on us so quickly, in a scope that I don't think anybody imagined five or six weeks ago."

Mike, the Morning Joe team, and correspondent Chris Jansing

Mike and Mika discuss a new document from a group of Catholic Bishops that calls for a more inclusive stance toward both gay and divorced people, and those previously thought by the Church to be living in sin: "All of a sudden Pope Francis -- one individual -- comes in and opens the window, and fresh air from the 21st century comes sweeping in...." Today on Morning Joe.

Mike and Mika discuss a new document from a group of Catholic Bishops

Mike asks Father Dave Dwyer, CSP and Host of "The Busted Halo," about recent reinterpretations of Catholicism that call for a higher degree of inclusivity and tolerance. Hear what he has to say here:

Mike and Father Dave Dwyer

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss the Sayreville High School hazing scandal in New Jersey. "Where were the coaches here? Where were the parents in Sayreville? This behavior is so repulsive." Only on MSNBC.

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss Sayreville High School

"The contagion of panic and fear is occurring at a time that's not very advantageous to common sense -- right before an election," says Mike of the growing fear around Ebola and the far-reaching effects this has on not only public health, but politics as well. On Morning Joe.

Mike on the growing fear around Ebola

Mike defends President Barack Obama amid recent additional criticism of the his ISIS strategy by former President Jimmy Carter: "I would like to see a poll on how many Americans would feel more comfortable with Jimmy Carter leading the United States right now rather than Barack Obama. I would expect Barack Obama to have resounding success."

Mike defends President Barack Obama

"The good news is ISIS isn't coming here, they're contained. The bad news (is) we're in this alone," says Mike in response to a National Journal Op-Ed by Ron Fournier titled "Why Obama Won't Listen to Panetta."

"Why Obama Won't Listen to Panetta."

Mike with How to Cook Everything Fast author Mark Bittman on the struggle that many families deal with in regard to healthy eating and time management. Bittman says, "You can get dinner on the table in 20 or 30 minutes...if you're prepared to cook, if you invest some time in a pantry, invest some time in equipment, some organization...and the skill. There is a question here of priorities."

Mike with How to Cook Everything Fast author Mark Bittman

Mike and Michelle Caruso-Cabrera discuss the Container Store's corporate strategy regarding hourly wage and how the treatment of employees may affect companies' success.

Mike and Michelle Caruso-Cabrera

Mike considers the unrest and lack of leadership currently in the US Capitol, in response to an editorial, "A Faulty US Air Campaign," from the Washington Post. He says, "This is an incredibly complex situation...there's no clear, real day-to-day direction."

Mike considers the unrest and lack of leadership currently in the US Capitol

Mike delves into one of many facets of the conflict in the Middle East with BBC Correspondent, Kim Ghattas: "One of the unspoken complaints, so far (is) Turkey's reluctance -- some would say refusal -- to address their border situation. Isn't that one of the principal points of contention?"

Mike delves into one of many facets of the conflict in the Middle East

Mike asks investigative reporter Lisa Myers about the costs of American efforts against ISIS. Are airstrikes the best option in terms of cost, efficiency and impact?

Mike asks investigative reporter Lisa Myers

Mike and the Morning Joe Team discuss the unpredictability of the MLB playoffs: The Washington Nationals who held the best record in the National League and the Los Angeles Angels who held the best record in the American League. Each was recently eliminated, ending their playoff runs respectively.

Mike and the Morning Joe Team discuss the unpredictability of the MLB playoffs

Mike and David Ignatius, from the Washington Post, discuss President Obama's plan in the fight against ISIS in terms of the White House's failure to properly prepare and strategize for this on-going battle.

Mike and David Ignatius

Mike, Mika and Joe discuss the decision of a New Jersey High School that canceled their football season in response to allegations of hazing. Did the school's Board of Education go too far in its choice of disciplinary action?

Mike, Mika and Joe discuss the decision of a New Jersey High School

The Morning Joe team with Matt Lewis discuss the federal government's role in cultural, moral and social issues. Matt says: "Rather than...have this very convenient escape hatch of...we're libertarians, let's actually grapple with the issues..."

The Morning Joe team with Matt Lewis

Mike and the Morning Joe team comment on "Biden's Apology Tour," an editorial from the Wall Street Journal that examines the US relationship with Middle Eastern allies.

Mike and the Morning Joe team comment on "Biden's Apology Tour"

Watch as Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss an editorial from The New York Times titled, "Stopping Ebola in America." Mike posits, "There's a larger issue here…it's us, the world needs the United States. Where are the other countries? The larger universe depends on us for so many things that we should start using our influence...."

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss an editorial from The New York Times

Mike talks about current Senate race patterns: "You're also seeing one consistent pattern...both democratic candidates have achieved some separation from Barack Obama, and they've had to...both candidates do not want the President of the United States in there…."

Mike talks about current Senate race patterns

Mike and White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest discuss a recent security breach in Atlanta where an armed man got on the same elevator as President Obama without his security personnel's knowledge. Mike asks: "What is going to happen as a result of this?"

Mike and White House Press Sec. Josh Earnest discuss a recent security breach in Atlanta

Mike speaks with Anoop Jain and Alex Waislitz in the Morning Joe Green Room. Jain, awarded the Waislitz Global Citizen Award for his fight against global poverty, explains what drives him to be a global citizen. "It's really just about...I'm human and when you see something and you empathize with it, how can you not act?"

Mike speaks with Anoop Jain and Alex Waislitz

Mike and Joe parallel George Bush and 9/11 to President Obama and the threat of ISIS -- Mike asks, "Why hasn't the administration paid more attention to the nucleus of ISIS?" On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike and Joe parallel George Bush and 9/11 to President Obama and the threat of ISIS

On Morning Joe, Mike says of Derek Jeter and his triumphant exit from professional baseball. "The … loyalty to him and love for him, not only in New York, but around the league (is because) he exemplifies what you want in an athlete -- he has character, he has talent…."

On Morning Joe, Mike says of Derek Jeter...

"Terrorism is like a cancer: Its tentacles grow, it ensnares people. We don't know who they are...they hide among us," says Mike in reference to modern day terrorism and an op-ed by Thomas Friedman entitled, "Who Had it Easier, Reagan or Obama?" On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

"Terrorism is like a cancer"

Mike with author of “Fantasy League”, Mike Lupica, on today's youth and technology. Lupica says, "Page one, chapter one of a book you really want to read is greater than all the magic and all the technology in the world." On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike with author of “Fantasy League”, Mike Lupica

Mike asks National Security Advisor Susan Rice about the potential timeline for ground operations and airstrikes in Syria: "What time are we talking about before there are ground operations without American troops...?" Hear Ms. Rice's assessment of the situation here. On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike & National Security Advisor Susan Rice

Mike passionately highlights the contrast between the present state of the US to the US during Vietnam war times, "...We're healthy, we're largely happy, we're going to defeat ISIS, we're going to handle the situation..." On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

We're going to defeat ISIS

Mike points out the responsibility of the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) to ensure the mental health and security of our soldiers in regard to the attempted intrusion by Omar Gonzalez into the White House: "It leads to a larger issue...with multiple number of veterans. We continually use the phrase 'boots on the ground' (but) these are human beings on the ground." On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike points out the responsibility of the Department of Veteran Affairs

Mike seeks to get more answers about the current conflict in the Middle East, as he asks US Sec. of State John Kerry "Is Turkey our ally?" On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike seeks to get more answers about the current conflict in the Middle East

Mike asks Former Treasury Official, Steve Rattner: "What is the status today...of the health of the American automobile industry versus Germany and Japan?" Hear what he has to say about the impact on Detroit and the US in general.

Mike & Former Treasury Official, Steve Rattner

Mike on the current state of the NFL in regard to recent allegations against Ray Rice and Adrian Petersen: "If you give owners and coaches the choice between talent and character, they will always go for talent at the expense of character...and this is the result."

Mike on the current state of the NFL

Mike and former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs discuss ISIS and possible military action by the US in Iraq and Syria. What will the President's strategy be in telling the American public, 62 percent of whom currently disapprove of his foreign policy. Only on Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike and former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs discuss ISIS

Mike comments on the impact social media, fear and national pride have on the US in regard to a poll by the Wall Street Journal in which 61 percent of Americans say action against ISIS is in the national interest. Mike posits: "Fear is an easily communicable disease in this country". On Morning Joe on MSNBC

Mike posits: "Fear is an easily communicable disease in this country"

Mike heatedly discusses suspended professional football player Ray Rice, the NFL and American football culture: "This horrific crime -- and it's a crime; it's not an incident -- it gets to the arrogance and the hypocrisy of the National Football League…." On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike heatedly discusses suspended professional football player Ray Rice

Mike speaks with NBC News Correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin about co-opting certain groups within the Middle East to serve as supplementary support networks in the fight against ISIS. Mike says: “One of the critical components it would seem to … people in Washington running this operation, is to garner more Sunni involvement in any opposition to ISIS.” On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike speaks with NBC News Correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin

“[During] a period of time not that long ago … people took great pride in their work. The American worker, it seems to me, has now been so beaten down by multiple economic points of contention,” Says Mike during a discussion about a New Jersey woman, referred to as the "face of the recession," who worked multiple jobs and died in her car from toxic fumes while napping after an all-night shift. On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

"The American worker, it seems to me, has now been so beaten down by multiple economic points of contention"

Mike and the Morning Joe team talk about a father who was acquitted of shooting dead the drunk driver who struck and killed his two young children. Mike says: “Revenge is understandable, but it’s not a code of law. He now lives with three losses – his two sons and the loss of something internally – because if you kill another human being, that sits with you forever.” On MSNBC.

“Revenge is understandable, but it’s not a code of law."

Mike discusses the victory achieved by employees of Massachusetts-based supermarket chain Market Basket after they rallied together and demanded the reinstatement of their dismissed CEO. Mike says: “There’s a larger lesson here for anyone running any sort of a company. The workers at Market Basket … walked off the job in support of Arthur T. Demoulas. Why? Because they knew him and more importantly he knew the workers.” On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike discusses the victory achieved by employees of supermarket chain Market Basket

About the plan to equip all officers with personal body cameras to document their interactions, Mike says: “This is a great benefit to the police and the public. You [can] put both [videos from the dashboard and the body camera] on social media to calm any potential public unrest [or uncertainty.]” On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike says: “This is a great benefit to the police and the public."

Mike comments on Maureen Dowd’s New York Times piece ‘He Has a Dream,’ which criticizes President Obama’s actions following the shooting of Missouri teen Michael Brown. Mike says: “A lot of people were mystified as to why the President of the United States Barack Obama did not play a more critical role in Ferguson, Missouri over the past week. Obviously the President spoke strongly about what happened, but there is a feeling among a lot of people that his presence in Ferguson could have added a great deal of peace … to that situation.” On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike comments on Maureen Dowd’s New York Times piece ‘He Has a Dream’

Mike talks about the exceptional bond between young brothers Noah and Lucas Aldrich, the latter of whom was born with a rare and debilitating brain disorder, and the inspirational example they set for the nation. Mike says: “More people in this country should pump the brakes and think about those two brothers [and] what the family has endured. Think about the country, think about how fortunate we are to live here. Think about how fortunate you are if you get up every day and you have your health and your family.” On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

"Think about the country, think about how fortunate we are to live here."

Mike and the Morning Joe team discuss a NYPD police sergeants' union’s bid to prevent the Democratic Convention from being held in Brooklyn because of their dissatisfaction with certain policies promoted by Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton. Mike says: “They are talking about Stop-and-Frisk, they are talking about the choke-hold death of Eric Garner. [These issues and events have] infuriated the Police Superior Officers Federation.“ On MSNBC.

Mike says: “They are talking about Stop-and-Frisk..."

“In March of 2008, Barack Obama, then a candidate for President, gave one of the most galvanizing speeches on race that anyone has ever given. In speaking about race … do you think he has an inner conflict? Is he torn about talking about (race) too loudly, too vocally now because of his position as President?” Mike asks Joshua DuBois, author of 'The President's Devotional,' about the President’s reluctance to address certain race-related issues in America. Hear Mr. DuBois’s response here. On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Mike & Joshua DuBois, author of 'The President's Devotional'

“No matter where you are as a cop, you possess the four magic words that nobody else in America can say: ‘You are under arrest.’ Those are powerful words, and you have to be careful how they are used, how they are employed, and when they are used and employed. Cops need constant training,” Says Mike about the need for ongoing police training that specifies the proper amount of force an officer may use when interacting with the public. On Morning Joe on MSNBC.

The four magic words

Mike and the Morning Joe team talk about an op-ed from Marc Thiessen titled "Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment" and the fact that the President had been previously warned about the threat of ISIS. Hear what they have to say here.

Mike and the Morning Joe team talk about an op-ed from Marc Thiessen